Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Randomizer Refresh

Awhile back (like last year), I've released an app called Randomizer and then released the app source code open source on Github. Randomizer was my very first app released on the Google Play Store and was initially created using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, JQuery Mobile, and then packaged together with PhoneGap.

In short, Randomizer is an simple application to help people, who cannot decide on something from a list of choices. With this app users would input their list of choices, and then Randomizer would randomly select a selection from that list. Other features include randomizing the order of the given selection list, and selecting a number of a specified range of numbers.

In my initial post, I have described some of the issues regarding the user experience and the performance issues related to the application. At the time I thought this application never would have many downloads and it has been put aside for quite some time for improvements. Just two months ago, when I revisited this application, I've looked into the amount of downloads for this application and it turned out to be quite a decent number, at least 4000+ downloads. I was quite surprised with this number and thought why not improve it by overhauling the application. While the app download downloads statistics, I couldn't help but to also notice the comments left behind by the users. I noticed there were actually quite a bit of people looking for these types of applications, but the known issue regarding the user experience of Randomizer was the major let down for people wanting to use this app. Not only that, users were also helpful by providing some suggestions that should be implemented to make Randomizer better than before.

Being experienced with Android development than ever before, I started to go about overhauling the application by mimicking the exact UI layout and features. The only issue with this is that when users update their app, they will not be able to access their saved lists, which was previously stored on the HTML5's local storage. I believe that this will only be a minimal issue compared to the improved experience that they will be receiving. During this time, I've even taken advantage to implement a feature where users will be able to access their saved lists on multiple devices that has Randomizer install. This was accomplished by getting the user to create an account with an email and password, and their lists will be updated on our servers. On the server side, this accomplished by using nodeJS and PostgreSQL as our database. I must note that users are not forced to login and they can just skip the login process, but they will not be able to access their saved lists on multiple servers. If the users do happen to login, I suggest that they DO NOT store any valuable information like credit card numbers, social identity numbers, and so on.

In the meantime, I will continue to observe the progress of my Randomizer app and within the next two weeks I will bring an update with new and very important features.

Randomizer on Google Play Store HERE.
Randomizer source code HERE.